Sunday, 22 July 2012

0 Mental Toughness: Pushing Yourself Past Your Limits

I recently started to use Strava to track my runs.  Not only does it map my route and give me pace and distance data (like a million other apps), it also allows me to challenge the times of other users my area.  Being a ridiculously over competitive guy who likes winning a LOT, this is right up my alley.  The first thing I did upon downloading the app was to plan a run that took in as many local sectors as possible, in order to break the existing records and claim top spot.

I'm honest enough with myself to know that I am by no means physiologically gifted when it comes to athletic endeavours.  I'm an average, middle of the pack athlete and will never compete at an elite level in any sport.

Going into my run yesterday though, I had no doubt that I would (not could) reach the goals that I'd set myself.  I made a mental pact with myself to push my body to the level that was required to achieve my goal.  I knew without a shadow of a doubt that my body was capable of running as fast as I needed it to, I just needed to convince my mind that it was OK to suffer through the pain that is the unfortunate side-effect of this sort of extreme effort.

If you've ever seen Jens Voigt dishing out pain on the front of the Tour De France peloton, you will have some idea of what I'm talking about.  By his own admission, Jens is not the best, fastest or strongest rider in professional cycling.  His true gift is his ability to transcend the screaming pain in his body to continue to "suffer" until his rivals are beaten or his own strength gives out.  His famous quote "Shut Up Legs!" perfectly encapsulates his disdain for the weakness of the flesh.

Over the years, I've realised that one of my real strengths is in this ability to ignore the physical pain and continue to push myself.  I'm certainly not claiming to be anything like Jensie, but I was lucky enough to come to a startling, and very simple realisation some years ago.  The pain won't kill me, and it is going to go away almost as soon as I stop.  With this in mind, I've found it a lot easier to reach a much higher level of performance than I previously had.

Obviously hard, regular and effective training is the key to go faster and further, but I truly believe that mental toughness is often the difference between winning, or for the majority of us, finishing a hard race or beating a previous PR.

So how do you get mentally tough?  I think there are some people that are just naturally blessed with the ability to put pain aside and push themselves past what should be possible.  For the rest of us, it's something that can be trained and strengthened.  

The first step is to make a deal with yourself not to quit when things get hard.  It sounds simplistic and a bit cheesy, but it really is incredibly effective.  Just making this sort of mental agreement is a very powerful way of avoiding the all too frequent easing off when the lactic acid kicks in and your lungs are screaming.

Distraction is probably the best way to keep going whilst you are actually running, riding or swimming (or whatever else you do).  Listening to music, observing people around you or the scenery you are passing are great ways to take your mind of the suffering you are going through.  I often promise myself that I'll stop when I reach a point ahead, and then just prior to reaching it, set another point.

Visualisation.  Such a fancy sounding concept, but just boils down to imagining how it will feel and look when you achieve your goal.  I almost always imagine myself running down the finishing chute of an Ironman race through the noise of the crowd and Craig Alexander languishing in my wake.

So when I went on my 15km run yesterday, I made an ironclad promise to myself that I would run faster than I had before in order to defeat the current record holders of the segments I was targeting.  I imagined the satisfaction that I would feel when I looked down to see the time I needed on the Strava screen.

And then I ran.  I pushed myself hard from the start, and put my faith in my fitness and my ability to keep going.  When I got to the 12km mark, I knew I still had some strength in my legs, but my lungs were screaming, I had a stitch and my shoulders were tightening up.  I closed my eyes and just told myself that it would all be over in less than 12 minutes.  12 minutes of intense discomfort seems like a long time when you are in the moment, but I tried to put it into perspective.  It was less than 20% of the time I'd already put in and a minuscule amount of time in comparison to the time I'd take gloating over the result on my laptop.  The time passed so slowly that I thought for the last 100 metres that time had stopped.

And then it was over.  I was double over gasping for air.  My legs felt like they were on fire and sweat was running off me like a river.  Within five minutes all of this was over.  I felt fine.  Tired, a bit sore, but fine.  The pain had passed, like I knew it would, and I couldn't wait to get home to check my result.

Lance Armstrong once said "Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If i quit, however, it lasts forever."

These are words that I tell myself all too frequently.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

0 How My Exercise Addiction Saved My Life

My addiction (and it is an addiction) to training has saved my life.  I'm absolutely convinced of that.  If I hadn't embraced exercise as passionately as I have, I would be dead well before my time.

5 years ago I was 14kgs (30lbs) heavier than I am now.  I was a heavy smoker, drinker and recreational drug user.  I was lazy, unfit and existing on a diet of unhealthy junk food.  I had a big wobbly belly and suffered from an unfortunate case of man boobs.  I would go out and party for days on end, and would never be asleep before midnight during the week.  I never exercised, was weak and generally just in pretty poor physical shape.

Along with the physical effects of my lifestyle, there was a significant impact on my mental well-being.  I was lacking in self-confidence, and incredibly self conscious of my body.  The worst part was that I was depressed.  It wasn't an all-consuming soul crushing kind of depression.  More like a constant, unhealthy feeling of sadness and discontent.  I was disgusted at the state that I had allowed myself to sink to, but completely unable to find the motivation to fix the problem.  Getting fit was an unattainable goal, and the other lifestyle changes that needed to come were just as far away.  

I was staring down the barrel of a life spent being unhappy with my body image, and the health and well being issues that come along with that sort of toxic lifestyle.

So what changed?

I had known for a long time that something needed to change.  When I tried to critically evaluate myself, I realised that I am an all of nothing type of guy.  I need something to devote all of my efforts to, to focus on.  I need a sense of achievement to drive me to a goal.  Somewhere along the way I'd allowed apathy, laziness and a general malaise to take over.  I made a conscious decision to change my life.  And I did.  

It sounds like a trite, oversimplification, but all it took was the mental decision to devote myself to improving my health (both physical and mental) and the rest is history.

I dragged my fat arse to a local boot camp class and can distinctly remember almost puking in the first session.  I started riding my mountain bike to work.  I started jogging, very slowly, a couple of times a week.  I was lucky enough to find a good trainer who put me through high intensity, circuit sessions that burnt a lot of fat and began to rebuild my strength, and I fixed my diet.  I ate healthily, ate less and started drinking a LOT of water.

I very quickly realised that I loved the way that exercise made me feel.  I felt more comfortable with my body, the endorphins released during my workouts made me feel happy and the sense of achievement I'd feel at the end of a long day of work and exercise was something that I began to love.  I had forgotten how great it can feel to sweat.  To get outdoors and do a hard workout in the fresh air.

I quit smoking and drugs, began to sleep more (primarily because I was knackered after working out) and was amazed at how good I was feeling.  My body felt strong and healthy, and I was happier, more productive and more generally in a much better mental state.

The first triathlon that i ever did (a corporate sprint distance race) was a revelation.  I was immediately hooked and haven't stopped since.

The fitter I got, the more I wanted to explore and push my limits, trying to see how far or how fast I could make myself go.  I found that I am mentally suited to the structured, obsessive routine of training that you need to be an endurance athlete.  I like the early mornings and the long runs on the weekends.  I enjoy the gym sessions and the hard bike rides in the pre-dawn cold.

A whole new world of marathons, Ironman, triathlon and trail running has opened up to me.  A community of like minded, strong and focused people who love to push themselves and those around them to be better.  People often ask me why I put myself through all of the pain and hardship.  They don't understand why I like to train so hard or deprive myself of so many hours when I could be doing something else.  I always say "Because I want to know what I'm capable of".  I just want to know what I'm truly capable of.  Our modern lives are so soft and cossetted, and I want to know where the line of physical and mental endurance is for me.  How far can I push myself?

Over the last five years, I've completely transformed my life.  I'm now strong, fit and healthy.  I am happy, confident and content with the shape of my life.  I have drastically reduced my chance of suffering heart disease, diabetes, stroke, osteo-perosis, and lung cancer.  I'm a father and a husband and I feel like my training has given me the best possible chance of staying alive longer and living a healthier and happier life with my family.

I've realised that I need to balance my family, work and training effectively to keep everyone happy, but it's a good problem to have.


Saturday, 7 July 2012

0 A Great Ironman Movie - Ironman Coeur d'Alene

Check out this great movie on Ironman Coeur d'Alene.  Some excellent interviews with the pros and the age groupers who make this such a wonderful event.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

0 Get Off The Couch! 5 Reasons You Should Start Getting Fit Today

It's cold outside at the moment.  The weather is terrible, it's grey and dark and the only thing most people want to do is stay inside where it's warm and cosy.  If you're anything like me, you also want to eat filling, hearty winter foods that might not necessarily be fantastic for your waistline. It's all too common to see people putting aside their exercise routine in the cooler months, and paying a heavy price for it (pun intended)

As our lives get more sedentary and we spend more and more time at our desks, sitting in cars or on the couch, it's never been more important to include regular exercise in our daily routines.  You don't have to put yourself through boot camp torture or run a marathon every other day.  Just try and incorporate regular exercise into your weekly routine.  It could be riding your bike to work three days a week, running with a friend at lunchtime or a regular spin class at the gym.  Once you get started, there'll be no stopping you.

Here are five reasons to drag yourself off the couch today, and start to take care of your body again.

You'll feel better.
Vigorous exercise releases endorphins, the "feel good" chemicals that stimulate pleasurable sensations and an uplift in your mood.  You perceived levels of stress will be reduced, and you'll be less likely to feel anxious or pressured.

You'll be less likely to die early
Regular exercise reduces blood pressure, your risk of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes.  We're talking significant health benefits here people.  Your heart will be strenghtened and you will be more likely to avoid the very real health risks of our modern, western lifestyle.  Not only will you be more healthy, you will also be stronger in your later years, have denser bones and be less likely to suffer respiratory illness.

You'll have more energy
As your body becomes more efficient at carrying oxygen due to your improved level of fitness, you will feel more energetic.  Obviously, this has a signicant impact on your enjoyment of life, and ability to work harder and more effectively.

You'll be healthier
Regular exercise has been proven to improve your body's immune system.  You'll be more able to fend off common colds, viruses and common ailments.  There's nothing worse than those annoying winter colds, so make sure you give yourself the best possible chance of avoiding them.

You'll look great
Let's be honest. You'll feel great, and once you have been exercising for a while, you'll also look strong, fit and healthy.  You'll feel more attractive and there's a good chance others will think you are too.  It's not the most important reason to exercise, but it's a nice result from all of your hard work.


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