
Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Get Off The Couch! 5 Reasons You Should Start Getting Fit Today

It's cold outside at the moment.  The weather is terrible, it's grey and dark and the only thing most people want to do is stay inside where it's warm and cosy.  If you're anything like me, you also want to eat filling, hearty winter foods that might not necessarily be fantastic for your waistline. It's all too common to see people putting aside their exercise routine in the cooler months, and paying a heavy price for it (pun intended)

As our lives get more sedentary and we spend more and more time at our desks, sitting in cars or on the couch, it's never been more important to include regular exercise in our daily routines.  You don't have to put yourself through boot camp torture or run a marathon every other day.  Just try and incorporate regular exercise into your weekly routine.  It could be riding your bike to work three days a week, running with a friend at lunchtime or a regular spin class at the gym.  Once you get started, there'll be no stopping you.

Here are five reasons to drag yourself off the couch today, and start to take care of your body again.

You'll feel better.
Vigorous exercise releases endorphins, the "feel good" chemicals that stimulate pleasurable sensations and an uplift in your mood.  You perceived levels of stress will be reduced, and you'll be less likely to feel anxious or pressured.

You'll be less likely to die early
Regular exercise reduces blood pressure, your risk of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes.  We're talking significant health benefits here people.  Your heart will be strenghtened and you will be more likely to avoid the very real health risks of our modern, western lifestyle.  Not only will you be more healthy, you will also be stronger in your later years, have denser bones and be less likely to suffer respiratory illness.

You'll have more energy
As your body becomes more efficient at carrying oxygen due to your improved level of fitness, you will feel more energetic.  Obviously, this has a signicant impact on your enjoyment of life, and ability to work harder and more effectively.

You'll be healthier
Regular exercise has been proven to improve your body's immune system.  You'll be more able to fend off common colds, viruses and common ailments.  There's nothing worse than those annoying winter colds, so make sure you give yourself the best possible chance of avoiding them.

You'll look great
Let's be honest. You'll feel great, and once you have been exercising for a while, you'll also look strong, fit and healthy.  You'll feel more attractive and there's a good chance others will think you are too.  It's not the most important reason to exercise, but it's a nice result from all of your hard work.

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