
Friday, 27 April 2012

Can't We All Just Get Along? Sharing the Road With Cyclists

I love riding my bike.  I get out for a ride as often as I can.  I HATE riding my bike to work though.  Hate it with a passion.  The roads in Melbourne are by far the most hostile environment I've ever ridden in.  Any regular cycle commuter will have at least one "near-death" story to tell, and there was a highly publicised incident involving Shane Warne recently.

This morning I was riding along Macarthur Street near St Patricks Cathedral, when an attractive, impeccably dressed woman driving an expensive European car almost drove into me and then had the temerity to call me a less than flattering name that started with C and was followed by three other letters.  Now if I'd cut her off, run into her car or done something even vaguely annoying, I'd probably expect any self-respecting Australian motorist to give me a piece of her mind.  In this case though, my only crime was to be riding, in the marked bike lane, in the space that she wished to occupy with her car at that particular moment.  She decided to veer across the bike lane, without indicating, and when she saw me come to a screeching halt beside her passenger door, she slammed on her brakes and starting to abuse me through the open window.

Now let me get this out now.  I COMPLETELY understand how annoying, irresponsible, or even downright dangerous some cyclists  are.  Every day I see some idiot run a red light, veer erratically through traffic, or (my pet hate) wobble along the edge of the bike lane obstructing the flow of traffic.  I despise these morons as much as anyone.  They make motorists hate cyclists and they make life a more dangerous place for everyone.

I hear motorists talking about "hating" cyclists.  We've all heard someone joke abut running a cyclist off the road.  What people don't get is that this sort of attitude is dangerous, and is creating an environment that will inevitably lead to some cyclist being injured, or even killed by someone who feels it's OK to use their car as a weapon against some dopey bloke in Lycra.  When you're sitting in your SUV, it's very easy to forget just how vulnerable you truly are on a bike.  There are no airbags, ABS, seat belts or "side impact protection system" on a road bike.  Being forced off the road at speed, or being impacted by a car is going to cause serious pain to the cyclist. 

I guess the point I'm trying to make with this post is that we all need to CHILL OUT a bit.  Cyclists, pull your heads in.  Ride safely, predictably and within the law.  Motorists are expected to follow road rules, and cyclists should do the same.  Drivers, please just relax.  You're not going to miss anything vital if you just slow down around cyclists.  You don't have to force your way past, menace or try to intimidate a rider just to prove some sort of point.  If we all respect each other a little more, our roads will be a much nicer, and safer place to be.

The last thing anyone wants is more unnecessary deaths or serious injuries caused by people losing their perspective and causing fatal accidents.  We don't need anymore ghost bikes around Melbourne.

And lady.  Next time you almost kill me and then call me a "C#@T"  I'm going to ride my bike OVER your shiny new car!

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